Loreto Aramendi

Critique du double CD par « The Sydney Organ Journal »

The Sydney Organ Journal give an excellent review of Loreto Aramendi doble CD

The Sydney Organ Journal give an excellent review of Loreto Aramendi doble CD

C’est avec grand plaisir que nous venons de recevoir la critique publiée par « The Sydney organ Journal » dans son édition de septembre 2016.

Loreto Aramendi’s 2014 double-CD recording on the Cavaille-Coll Organ of Santa Maria San Sebastian is a fine example of absolute musicianship, sound technique and utter command over the instrument.[…] Cesar Franck’ s Prelude, Fugue and Variations along with Piece Heraque also feature on the recording. Aramendi’s rendition of these works remains faithful to the musical score with accurate execution and ‘lyrical’ playing of the haunting melodies of Franck. […] Aramendi captures the full essence of the Brahms’ Choral Preludes, full of emotion and expressive quality. […] Aramendi uses the San Maria organ to its capacity using almost every single stop combination. She delivers a striking performance that rings through the entire Basilica throughout the marathon of a work. Overall this is a very sound recording with accurate yet exciting playing on the stunning Cavaille-Coll instrument.
Sydney Organ Journal. Vol 47, nº4 – Spring 2016. page 45 by Gareth Baard.

CRITIQUE COMPLETE >>> Critique du « The Sydney Organ Journal » – Septembre 2016 2 cds par Loreto Aramendi (en anglais) <<<

Review by The Sydney Organ Journal

Critique du « Sydney Organ Journal »