Loreto Aramendi


Music from movies on concert – Sagrada Familia church – San Sebastian – December 2018



– Choir Goratzar – Olatz Eguiburu
– Choir Ekintza txiki eta gazte– Marina Lertxundi
– Soprano : Ana Salaberria
– Violon : Pedro Miguel Aguinaga
– Flute: Suzanna Guterl
Percussion: Asier Rodriguez
– Horn: Jon Lizaso
– Piano : Sarah Perarnaud
– Pipe organ: Loreto Aramendi

DV-EliKorta_Martes, 27 de Noviembre 2018

Music from movies on concert – Sagrada Familia church – San Sebastian – December 2018

Organ concert – Cathedral of Luxemburg – November 2018

Organ concert – Cathedral of Luxemburg – November 2018

Concert – organ & choir Arv-Vocem – Bergara– October 2018

Concert – organ & choir Arv-Vocem – Bergara– October 2018

Second organ concert in Vladivostok – Siberia – Octuber 2018

Second organ concert in Vladivostok, Siberia.

Organ concert – Vladivostok –Russia – October 2018

Organ concert – Vladivostok – October 2018

Pipe organ concert in the Moscou Cathedral – October 2018

Pipe organ concert in the Moscou Cathedral – October 2018

Concert with the Goratzar choir – Salamanca – October 2018

Concert with the Goratzar choir – Salamanca – October 2018

Concert at the Dudelange Cathedral – Luxemburg – Octuber 2018

Concert at the Dudelange Cathedral – Luxemburg – Octuber 2018


Organ – Journal für die Orgel, review of the CD “Transcriptions”

Ch.Shulte en Organ – Journal für die Orgel – 2 CDs, Hydre (2017) – published: organ 2017/04 , page 58

“Loreto Aramendi delivers a true masterpiece

“Thanks to Aramendi’s fabulous and clearly pianistic trained playing technique, which takes every hurdle of the sometimes treacherously arranged transcriptions loose. On the other hand, in view of their finely applied agogics, which misses not the slightest dramaturgical detail. Thus, Liszt’s funérailles from the Harmonies poétiques et religieuses (1853) become a visionary event, Rachmaninoff’s famous piano prelude in c sharp minor receives unimaginable greatness and apocalyptic power.

Original review in german – Organ – Journal für die Orgel: https://organ-journal.com/artikel/transcriptions/

Review - Organ - Journal für die Orgel - CD Transcriptions - Loreto Aramendi

Review – Organ – Journal für die Orgel – CD Transcriptions – Loreto Aramendi


Organ concert & choir Arv-Vocem – Azkoitia – October 2018

Organ concert & choir Arv-Vocem – Azkoitia – October 2018

Concert in the Milagrosa church – Teruel – September 2018

Concert in the Milagrosa church – Teruel – September 2018

Concert at the Loosemore/Harrisson pipe organ – Cathedral of Exeter – England – August 2018

Concert at the Loosemore/Harrisson pipe organ – Cathedral of Exeter – England – August 2018

Concert at the Metzler (1981) pipe organ of the Heiliggeistkirche – Bern – Switzerland – August 2018

Concert at the Metzler(1981) pipe organ of the Heiliggeistkirche – Bern – Switzerland – August 2018

Organ concert in Spiez (Kuhn)– Switzerland – August 2018

Organ concert in Spiez (Kuhn)– Switzerland – August 2018